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Lajee Dabka Troupe Performs “Nater” Show in Several Palestinian cities

The Lajee Dabka Troupe in the months of September and October carried out a number of performances in several Palestinian cities in order to express the Palestinian reality through art and folklore, and to show the Palestinian identity through culture and heritage.

40 dancers between the ages of 10 and 25 performed shows in several cities throughout the two months; The first of them was titled “Nater” (Waiting), which was choreographed by the troupe trainer, Sameh Shaheen. The group performed the show during the Bethlehem Live Festival on 22 Sept 2017, which was attended by hundreds of Palestinians from all over Palestine.

 The second show was held in Beit Jala on 25/9/2017 at the International Festival for Children in Palestine. The message of the show meant to show support for children’s rights in the world, and specifically in Palestine. Following the festival, the Dabka members introduced some Dabka moves to the children in a joyous atmosphere. 

For the third time in a row, the group also participated in the 10th Heritage Festival organized by the Centre for Popular Arts sat the Mahmoud Darwish Palace in Ramallah on 7 Oct 2017. The group performed the “Nater” show alongside six other Palestinian Dabka groups as a means of expressing the Palestinian identity and existence and its human heritage to emphasize the role of culture and art in the light of the Palestinian reality.

The “Nater” show is one of the most distinctive shows made by Lajee center over the past years, since it is based on conveying the message of Palestinian children and youth in an artistic and aesthetic way that contributes to building their future visions and aspirations.

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