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June 2024 Newsletter

Lajee Library

  • 22 boys and girls ages 5 to 10 participated in activities with the Education Department at Bethlehem University. Activities included arts, storytelling, and sports led by university students for a two-hour session on the university campus.
  • Children discussed the story “My Eyes” and learned about the five senses.
  • Expressive activity through drawing, educational games available in the library, simple musical instruments, and coloring.
  • Children discussed the story “Uncle Khalifan’s Sheep.” The activity began by discussing family atmospheres during holidays and activities in which children engage in their families, including those who sacrifice sheep during Eid al-Adha. This served as a window to discuss the story, which addresses various issues such as tooth decay and dental care through visits to the dentist and promoting dental hygiene.
  • Welcomed a group from the Bustan/Silwan Association and explained to them about the center, its activities, the camp, and discussed the violations children face in Aida Camp.
  • Training and meeting for protection teams affiliated with the International Movement for the Defense of Children.

Lajee Music Institute

Participation of 43 boys and girls from the music and choir program in the first music camp of Lajee Music Institute, covering many important topics in Eastern and Western music, music history, group and individual instrumental lessons, expressive activities through music, learning to sing, and music theories for beginners and advanced learners over a period of 3 days. The outcome of this camp was integrating playing and singing together, resulting in a joint performance at the end of the summer camp. 

Videos from the Music Summer Camp:

Health Unit

Activities of the Health Unit during this month:

  • This month, community health workers conducted 100 visits to various patients suffering from chronic diseases (hypertension and diabetes), totaling 128 patients from the Aida and Al-Azza refugee camps.
  • During these home visits, health workers checked blood pressure, blood sugar, and other vital signs such as oxygen levels and heart rate. They emphasized the correct dosage and timing of medications according to individual plans, continuously monitored their progress, and provided dietary advice. These visits sometimes extended to over an hour, especially during the Gaza war period, which affected patients psychologically, socially, and economically. Patients who previously experienced health crises were intensively monitored, with occasional adjustments to their medications and personalized programs to improve their condition.
  • Conducted two visits for each level 2 and level 1 hypertension and diabetes patients, and one visit for level 3 patients this month. Efforts focused on controlling their conditions through medication administration, dietary adjustments, and encouraging them to engage in exercise at Lajee’s gym. These visits included psychological support alongside health monitoring.
  • Continued visits with occupational therapy students from Bethlehem University to people with disabilities in Aida and Al-Azza refugee camps.
  • Organized a health summer camp involving over 100 patients from the Aida and Al-Azza camps, lasting for 4 days. The camp included psychological support, medical lectures, hydroponic unit agriculture, building green walls from plastic bottles, and two trips to Suleiman Pools and Battir Resort.

Video from the Health Summer Camp:

Environmental Unit

  • Harvesting green leafy crops (chard, mint) and distributing them to patients.
  • Daily monitoring of water levels, acidity, and adequate nutrient availability for each water system.
  • Watering roses and outdoor agricultural crops.
  • Cultivating parsley in table systems.
  • Reusing and recycling plastic cups for farming purposes.
  • Monitoring and maintaining water towers distributed to patients, adding fertilizer to crops, repairing and restarting towers.
  • Replanting parsley seeds a second time for hydroponic systems and distributing some to patients for their own hydroponic towers.
  • Emptying, cleaning, refilling large plastic basins, and adding fertilizer.
  • Removing chard from the NFT system in the first plastic house and cleaning it after distribution to patients.
  • Placing shades over plastic houses to reduce interior heat.
  • Cleaning and sterilizing table systems, preparing them for parsley cultivation with patient assistance during the health summer camp.
  • Cleaning mint basins and external trees, removing debris.
  • Distributing mint seedlings to participating women in the Health and Environmental Unit.
  • Pruning tomatoes in the new plastic house on the center’s rooftop for strengthening.
  • Repairing wooden chairs on the center’s rooftop.
  • Collecting dried and sifted seeds for re-sowing.
  • Inspecting the plastic house on the rooftop of Abu Shuaira’s house, adding fertilizer to water basins, preparing and recycling barrels.
  • Tying tomato seedlings in the plastic house on Abu Shuaira’s rooftop.
  • Harvesting 18 kg of cucumbers and distributing them to patients.
  • Planting parsley in hydroponic towers and distributing some to patients benefiting from distributed hydroponic towers.
  • Constructing a wooden cabinet to store equipment for the hydroponic unit.


  • Reopened registration for Academy members, with 50 children enrolled aged 5 to 12 years.
  • Held external training sessions for Lajee-Celtic team in Beit Sahour twice a week.
  • Resumed weekly training sessions for all groups at Laje-Celtic Club and Academy at the beginning of June.
  • Created several murals on the walls of Lajee stadium.
  • Travelling of Lajee-Celtic delegation on 27 June for a cultural and sports tour in South Africa with the participation of 14 players from camps, villages, and the city of Bethlehem, and the presence of the Chairman of the Board of Directors of Lajee Center, Khalid Al-Azraq, the Club’s Vice President Jamal Hamad, the released prisoners Samir Al-Amir and Ahmed Da’ama, and the coach Nahar Shamrokh.

Media Unit

The Media Club at the Lajee Center has launched a series of training sessions for a group of boys and girls from Aida and Al-Azza camps, aimed at learning the art of photography. This program is part of the center’s efforts to enhance artistic skills among youth and provide new opportunities for creative expression.

In the first session, the trainer and students introduced themselves, discussing the basics of photography and its importance in daily life. The session covered topics such as the camera, its components, and its essential parts, allowing students to grasp the technical basics of this important tool.

These sessions will continue over the coming weeks, focusing on developing photography skills among the participants.

Rebel Circus School

The second delegation of the Rebel Circus School arrived from Lajee Center to the city of Rivas in Spain. The delegation includes 13 boys and girls, in addition to Lajee Center director Mohammad Al-Azza, vice president of the board Amani Asaad, and Mohammad Rumi, coordinator of the circus school. The delegation aims to present a series of distinctive performances and engage in artistic training exercises.

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